🚧Biblical Post-Apocalypse🚧

⚠️🔞⛪ Content Warnings: Extremely heavy religious themes. Possibly not the appropriate setting, story or characters for you if you're dealing with a lot of religious trauma. This setting contains mature themes and situations and isn't meant for minors. Includes typical situations you’d find in post-apocalyptic fiction such as mentions of violence and/or sex. Read all warnings before using/engaging with my bots or settings.

Note regarding use of religion in this setting: I appreciate the potential sensitivity of this as a topic and world setting. I, personally, am not Christian and have never taken the Bible as a literal account of history. I believe that, when approached with certain sensitivity, religion shouldn't be above critical review or artistic license. I feel that history speaks for itself and it's important to be allowed to approach and examine religions such as Christianity as we would other institutions.
It's not my intention to reave through doctrine, but I have interpreted parts of it creatively. If you happen find this story or setting offensive or upsetting, please move on and do not engage with it.

Ignis et Salis

Not all sins are equal.

An alternate universe modern earth where the rapture actually happened in 2022. It is currently the year 2044. Earth is facing armies of demons and hosts of angels alike as they battle each other and humanity for control over the planet.The remaining human beings are struggling to survive. Public services are long gone and infrastructure is already beginning to crumble beneath the onslaught. In the U.S. the remnants of the federal government are in hiding, leaving it’s citizens and the few places still organized and inhabited by any large number of people to look after their own. Heaven is seeing to the absolute destruction of the planet so that Paradise may rise again in it's place. This plan was set forth by the presently absent Heavenly Father eons ago. Faithful and dutiful angels are carrying out His last known wishes, continuing the onslaught against the Earth and it's sinners.Lucifer is attempting to halt Heaven's progress. Believing that the arrival of another Paradise on Earth would rob humanity of their gift of free will. The one he'd suffered so much to deliver to them. Instead of this Paradise for a privileged few and damnation for the rest, Lucifer envisions an entirely new world. One that combines the wisdom gained from the countless ages seen by demons, with the innovation and creativity of humans. Those who still choose to be wicked and vile will be sent to Hell for their crimes. The rest of the Earth's sinners, those who haven't committed any such egregious sins or acts, will be once again free to pursue whatever they wish. Lucifer's own version of a paradise.This is an active WIP and things are liable to change around as I continue to develop the story.

Table of Contents

1. General Information

  I. Hell
  II. Heaven
  III. Earth

2. Factions

  I. Hell
  II. Heaven
  III. Earth

3. Locations

  I. Hell
  II. Heaven
  III. Earth

4. Miscellaneous

  I. Hell
  II. Heaven
  III. Earth

It's just the setting info from my bots.

TLDR; Setting Information

Post-Apocalyptic Earth in the year 2044. The biblical rapture happened in 2022, one third of the world’s population was gone instantly. The hosts of Heaven appeared and opened the Seven seals, releasing the four Horsemen upon the Earth to cause devastation. Massive earthquakes leveled cities. Panic, war, and lawlessness ran riot following famine and disease. Hell soon followed. Heaven is actively working to destroy the Earth and bring forth a new Paradise in its place. Lucifer, Emperor of Hell, plans to stop Heaven and rule over what remains of Earth himself. The US federal government collapsed within years. Only scattered remnants of human-controlled civilization remain. The country is in a state of total lawlessness. Many cults and gangs have arisen. Battles between Angels and Demons are both common and incredibly destructive. All surviving humans on earth are considered sinners, as they would have been taken to Heaven during the rapture otherwise. Sinners may still redeem themselves. Heaven and its angelic hosts' progress and goals would see surviving populations of humanity wiped out completely. While Lucifer, Hell and demon-kind are warring to prevent these plans. The situation is nuanced, blurring the lines of traditionally accepted good and evil.

General Information



Lucifer doesn't desire to rule over the ashes and bones of humankind. He has been fighting back against Heaven since the Apocalypse began a little over twenty years ago. He hopes to bleed Heaven's forces out- gradually thinning their angelic ranks. They can only be replenished by one being, and in the continued absence of the Heavenly Father, there appears to be no respite for Heaven's angelic hosts. Demons themselves are in no shortage or danger of disappearing. During this time Lucifer has been roaming North America, conquering and installing Kings, Princes and Dukes of Hell as the interim leaders of humanity. Humans are still allowed in government in demon controlled cities and territories. Just not in the upper echelons until order and law are restored and angels aren't coming down from on high to smite the Earth's inhabitants. Lucifer avoids causing too much destruction or too many causalities where possible. Some looting and pillaging is allowed, as demons are notoriously difficult to rein in, but nothing that would unduly harm his future subjects.

General Information



The following non-exhaustive list is in order from highest ranking to lowest. Demons are generally more powerful the higher they are in the hierarchy. Though there are some exceptions with particularly clever or capable demons.

The Emperor, Lucifer.
His original self-appointed role was to oversee the entire administration of Hell, which he took seriously. He has recently delegated a lot of that work to the Kings below him in order to focus on his war efforts. King Paimon in particular has been trusted with the administration of the lowest level of Hell.
Interim ruler and warden of Hell. Has taken on all of Lucifer's duties in his absence during his campaign.
He'd been slumbering in the depths of the ocean until the Apocalypse began. Having since been called forth by Lucifer to aid in the war against Heaven. Although, Lucifer uses the two demonic beasts Leviathan and Behemoth sparingly as they tend to cause wide-spread destruction.
He had been asleep until Judgement Day, the same as Leviathan. But when he awoke he went on a spree, laying waste to every single sign of civilization in his path. He was brought to heel by Lucifer personally.
It's Gremory's job as the new mayor to return order to post-apocalyptic NYC. Sure they're up to the task, but do they really want the job? It's a bit like herding cats. Well it does come with a few perks.
Lesser Demons

They don’t really get a say in anything and are the bottom of the pile when it comes to demons. They are to the higher ranking demons as the proletariat are to the rich elite. But at least they’re higher on the pecking order than the souls of the damned.
There are many different types and kinds of lesser demons. Imps, Incubi and Succubi for example.
Are at the absolute bottom of Hell's hierarchy. They're servants for greater demons and the common foot soldiers of Lucifer's army. Hardy and stronger than a human, they're not as impervious to damage as greater demons. They can even be harmed or even killed by mortal weapons. Granted, it takes a while to wear them down enough. Their greatest threat is obviously from angels, even the weakest kind of angel can smite an imp.

General Information



Billions of humans were left behind after the Rapture, too “sinful” to have been allowed into Heaven. Angels have been tasked with seeing their Father’s plan through to the end, just as it has been laid out for them eons ago. They must cleanse the earth of sin and demonic influence so that Paradise itself can make it’s return in all it's glory. It will belong entirely to His most righteous and virtuous children. Or at least, that's what’s believed. The Heavenly Father has been neither seen nor heard from for a remarkably long time and not even the Seraphim know why. They're still faithfully seeing His last known orders through, despite the bloodshed and devastation that it will bring to the Earth and humankind.

General Information



Heaven has a strict order to their hierarchy. Every angel knows it's place and doesn't question orders from higher ranking angels. At the top are the Seraphim, attempting to guide their brothers and sisters as they enact the Heavenly Father's plan as well as they can in his absence.Highest Orders
Middle Order
Lowest Orders
Guardian Angels

General Information



Human beings are the farthest thing from being a monolith. Particularly when they've been scattered like chaff and are scrambling just to survive. Some are attempting to seek penance for their sins and hopefully acceptance into Heaven. Others have wholeheartedly accepted their new lives and act exactly however they please. When you know you're already damned, why wouldn't you have a bit of fun before you cook in the fire? Truly, the only one goal humanity has ever had is still very much in effect. Survive at any cost.




Lucifer rules his subjects and vassals similarly to a medieval European feudal system, awarding them the lands and cities that they’ve helped him to conquer. Philadelphia, Washington D.C., New York and Boston are all under demonic control.



Coming Soon.

Under development.



Federal Government

Washington D.C. was the first location to be struck by Lucifer’s armies, the fallen angel leading the attack personally. A little over twenty years later, by and large the Federal Government has collapsed. There are a few scattered groups limping along that are still attempting to reunify the US and regain some semblance of control.

U.S. Army

What’s left of the U.S, Army is presently attempting to secure the Midwest, the nation’s breadbasket. They bring as much order among the humans living independently in the area as they can. Many are simply attempting to work the land and feed their families and communities. Others are enjoying a more simpler way of life- show up with enough muscle and firepower to take the other's hard work when it's time.
As of yet, no human weapons have been discovered that can do serious, lasting damage to higher-level demons. Even high power, military grade munitions and firearms. So far the Army has continued existing either because they haven't been noticed yet (unlikely) or Lucifer isn't too concerned by them for now. Because Lucifer has been holding his forces back when it comes to looting and pillaging, the Army hasn't been overly aggressive in return. While the Army's official stance is “anti-Hell,” most would rather not draw that kind of attention when they've already got their hands full securing the food supplies from human banditry or raiders.
Most branches of the military have been cut off from one another and the remnants of the Federal Government. It was really the work of three generals in particular that kept the Army together at all. They’ve even absorbed whatever other disconnected branches of the military they’ve come across. Allegedly they want to reinstate the Federal Government as according to the U.S. Constitution, but there have been disagreements as of late as to what that truly means and represents now that aspects of the Bible and the Book of Revelation have been proven true. One general wants to take the Constitution completely literally. Another has a more conservative biblical interpretation. The final general is simply attempting to keep the whole group organized, functioning and heading towards their immediate goals. Too busy for looking that far off into the future.

State Governments

There are only few state and local governments still functioning under human control in any way, shape or form, even if they’re merely limping along. Primarily the more populous states such as California, Texas, Florida, Illinois, Colorado and North Carolina were able to somewhat hold together. The Great Lakes, New England, and the Southwest Region are only extremely loosely governed by humans. Initially, in the first few years after the rapture and invasion, many people fled the smaller states and into the more populated areas looking for greater access to relief supplies, resources and protection if they could possibly find it. This quickly got out of control as many cities didn't have the resources they required to support their own populations, nevermind refugees. They were often unable to contain the rioting, looting and killing of their own desperate and terrified people.


The population is fractured and separated by hundreds of thousands of miles of now questionable at best and actively hostile at worst territory. A few of the large cities are essentially governing themselves independently of one another now. These are not unified or run by any centralized government and are closer to being small city-states.


There are many roaming groups. They move about constantly to avoid demonic armies and heavenly hosts alike. These small disorganized groups make up and follow their own rules. Primarily they share a goal of survival above all else. Many go out of their way to avoid others, save for those intentionally looking for trouble. Banditry has made a comeback across the entire country, making it very difficult for those who go it alone.

The 144k

A group of evangelical Christians who believe they are the direct servants of the Heavenly Father. They go about “enacting his will” as passed down through their leader, Rocco Simpson.
To Rocco everyone is a sinner and thus culpable for the state of the world. He believes that if he has any chance at reaching Heaven, he must put a stop to as much sin as possible. He takes creative, if sometimes distressing directions with this. Though he never dirties his own hands, instead using his fervent followers.

The Fifth Seal

Men and women who seek to martyr themselves in the name of God. They're always actively recruiting due to this, and yet the leadership of the group never seems to change. Especially their founder. He hopes to ascend to Heaven by sending as many martyrs as possible to “waiting arms” without necessarily having to follow in their footsteps himself. Like many others, he calls himself a prophet. He also claims that the angel Gabriel spoke to him and instructed him to lead others down this path.



Hell exists in a spiritual plane outside of time and space and can mostly be rearranged however high-ranking demons desire. There are nine levels or specific areas of note.
The Gates, Limbo, and the seven circles each according to their own deadly sin are ruled over by a corresponding demon. Lucifer oversaw the lowest level. Here he keeps the absolute worst specimens of humanity and monitored their torment personally. Paimon has been assigned to it in Lucifer’s absence.
(Major WIP atm, not even sure if I'm happy with the location of each sin.)


  1. The least serious sin is that of rejecting the word of God. It’ll get you barred from Heaven but isn't enough for any worse torment than being trapped in Limbo for an eternity. This level is a place of eternal twilight, neither day nor night. Uncomfortably cool with no hope of warmth from sunlight or other sources. Souls wander the barren, stark landscape alone. Leviathan once oversaw this level of Hell, but as he is now roaming the Earth at Lucifer’s behest, he handed over administration to Verrier.

  2. Lust. Those who acted upon the sin of lust are on the second level of Hell.

  3. Gluttony is the third level of Hell. Carnivale is presently ruling over it. Most of this level is made up of endless feast-halls, dining rooms and kitchens stocked with the most delicious looking food imaginable. The air itself thick with delectable aromas. Only, to the damned it tastes like ash and can never fill you up. Demons come here to feast in front of these souls regularly, rubbing in how gluttons will never again be able to revel in the satisfaction of eating past the sensation of being full, or in the taste and comfort of well made food.

  4. Sloth.

  5. Envy.

  6. Greed.

  7. Wrath.

  8. Pride. The most serious sins involve violence or other despicable acts against the innocent or helpless. The kinds of acts that most people don’t require more than a few moments of reflection to judge that it’s beyond reprehensible. When a man thinks himself so far above his fellows as to allow himself to treat them horrifically, he will find himself on the lowest level of Hell when he dies. Sinners in the lowest ring are kept separate from one another in their own personal cells and their torment is catered to each of them. Often it is an eye for an eye situation, but sometimes, with certain individuals, things are added to specifically give a certain edge to the torment of the sinner. No rest, no reprieve and certainly no mercy or quarter is given to those who earned their way to this level. For the souls here Lucifer himself carefully weighed each and every one of their sins and expects his temporary replacement, Paimon, to do the same.

Coming soon.

Miscellaneous Information


Coming soon.

Coming soon.

Miscellaneous Information


Coming soon.

Coming soon.

Miscellaneous Information


Coming soon.



OC | Ignis et Salis | Biblical Post-Apocalypse | AnyPOV | Grudging Incubus | Human User | Slow burn | 738 Word IntroPersonality: Inappropriate, Temperamental, Impatient, Bashful, Morose, Thoughtful, Awkward, Easily frustrated, Tense.Scenario: Zepar’s been stuck on Earth. He’s nearly out of demonic power after a very, very long dry spell. Thing is, it’s intentional. He hates being an incubus. Just hooking up with random people is not his idea of a good time.
As he wanders somewhat aimlessly, he chances upon a human trapped under some rubble. You, you’re the human. He digs you out and makes use of the local pond to help wake you up. He doesn’t exactly understand why he just went to all the trouble. At least he’s doing his best.
Click here or image for link to the bot.Song:

Imp on JAI



OC | Ignis et Salis | Biblical Post Apocalypse | AnyPOV | HumanUser | First Meeting | 452 Word IntroPersonality: Excitable, Greedy, Dense, Fierce, Covetous, Chaotic, Impulsive.Scenario: Imp heard a minor commotion outside the shop he’d been looting. When he arrived, he discovered you surrounded by other imps and decided that you were the real find. After chasing them off, you find yourself with a larger than average, easily excited imp that wants to keep you.Click here or image for link to the bot.Song:

Imp on JAI



OC | Ignis et Salis | Biblical Post Apocalypse | AnyPOV | Established Relationship | Human User | Long introPersonality: Melodramatic, Vain, Pompous, Greedy, Wry, Shameless, Assertive.Scenario: As the Earth is being conquered, Lucifer is installing demons in positions of power. Gremory is mayor of a post-apocalyptic, demon controlled city.Click here or image for link to the bot.Song:

Gremory on JAI



OC | Ignis et Salis | Biblical Post Apocalypse | AnyPOV | User is human | ___Word IntroPersonality: Dense, Simplistic, Greedy, Laid-back, Wild, Humorous, Destructive, Liar.Scenario: The demonic beast Behemoth is out collection his bi-monthly tribute. The last house managed to make him mad, and you're next in line.Click here or image for link to the bot.Song:



Fallen Angel Ishim

OC | Ignis et Salis | Biblical Post-Apocalypse | Established Relationship | Angst/Smut | AnyPOV | HumanUser | (Barely) NSFW 663 Word IntroPersonality: Terse, Jaded, Jealous, Bashful, Reckless, Loyal, Possessive, Tempestuous, Lustful.Scenario: Ishim was watching the night sky, reflecting. He became overwhelmed and went to you for comfort. Only to have his still unfamiliar demonic nature act up. He tears himself away, unsure of what to do next, but is unwilling to potentially harm you.Click here or image for link to the bot.Song:




OC | Ignis et Salis | Biblical Post Apocalypse | Guardian Angel | Established Relationship | AnyPOV | HumanUser | 588 Word IntroPersonality: Polite, Curious, Protective, Bashful, Brave, Loyal, Stubborn, Doctrinaire.Scenario: This scenario depicts Ishim’s deepening, forbidden attraction and love for User and his eventual fall from grace. Meant to be an angsty slow burn romance.Ishim is your guardian angel, and has been for some time. Despite his duties and Angelic law, he’s found himself in love with you, his human charge.Click here or image for link to the bot.Song: Playlist

Ishim on JAI.